This past Saturday, Beaumont, TX held their first annual Marathon and Half Marathon! I really debated on running the half. I feel as if I'm prepared (we run long milage on Saturdays with the running group) so I could probably run one and be fine. Well, I decided against it because I figured it would be HOT...boy was I right! I also knew that with it being Beaumont's first, it might have a lot of kinks to work out....right again!
So anyway, we stayed the night at my brother and sister in law's house. Friday night was packet pick up for the race so we made our way to the host hotel to pick up our packet.

It was really crowded and very unorganized. Now, I went into this with an open mind knowing that it was their first. The tables were lined up in a long row. They had 3 different spots for 5K preregistered, Half preregistered and Marathon preregistered. Then they had spots for registration within the last two weeks...then there was a spot for new registration. All of these spots were there but guess what? There were no SIGNS or directions on who was supposed to be in what line!!! Aaaaaah! Can we say pure madness?!?!?

This is the chaotic line!!! Kayla and I finally figured out where to go and we got our bags.

Kayla and I with our Dry fit shirts! I've never gotten a dry fit for a 5K before! I've never gotten a race bag for a 5K before, either! Woohoo!!

Kayla got more in her bag than I did so I'm stealing her picture! LOL Sad thing about it all is that they also ran out of tshirts! Some people were NOT very happy!!!!

We took a few pictures, then we left to eat at Logan's! Perfect pre-race food! LOL I was kinda nervous...felt like I was running another half! I don't know why I felt that way, though!
So onto race morning. We got up at 5:45 a.m. to get ready. Race started at 8 a.m., plan was to leave at 6:30 a.m. cause it took about 30 mintues to get there. Well, at 6:30 a.m., my brother decides to COOK BREAKFAST for him and my husband! What the heck?! Hellooooo! We have to GO! So we stayed and waited for them to eat, then we finally got on the road by 6:50 a.m. or so.
My goofy Husband and Brother ready to cheer us on! LOL
So we are driving to the race and I realize! HELLO Roads are going to be CLOSED! How are we going to get there?!? So we follow what we thought was the correct way and we were met with lots of road closures. So we do what we think is right...we stop and ask the cops how to get around. You know what kind of faces we were met with?? The kind that say "Uuuuuuuhhhh????" LOL So my brother somehow found a way around (he redeemed himself from the breakfast fiasco) and we made it to the race. Uh oh...what time is it?! 7:55 a.m.!!! Aaaaah the 5K was set to start at 8 a.m. OMG! Kayla and I both got out of the cars super fast and raaaaaaaaaan to the start. I wanted to get there early so I could stretch and run a warmup lap...but not like THAT! LOL

Us running! Haha!

Jason got the pink breast cancer vehicle in the picture! LOL
As we were running to the start line, we saw a group pass us by. I knew that the Half route only went around once so I freaked out cause I thought the 5K had started already! Well, we made it to the "start line" and there was a SWARM of people around. Thank goodness we didn't miss anything! The start time was delayed by about 15 minutes! Yay!

That meant we were able to take pictures before the race!

Our ROTE shirts! The MouseSKIRTears! It all started with a skirt! Hehe!

This is from Kayla's camera...you can see how hot/muggy it was out there! Her camera wouldn't de-fog!

They told everyone to line up on the RIGHT side for the 5K cause the Half and full people were coming through to continue their race. We found out later that the cops told the Half/Full people to take the 5K loop when they weren't supposed to! They were supposed to keep running straight. Boy were there some mad runners! One guy quit in the middle of running, he was so frustrated!
ANyway, so you see how well everyone listened about being on the RIGHT side. They just kind of flooded the area. And of course, Marathoners were running through. I would have been SO MAD if I were a Marathoner and all these people came in my way! Ugh!
So we started running and I was playing MAJOR weave in and out and in and out...reminded me of Disney!! I heard that there were over 2,000 people registered for this race. We think they overadvertised and under planned. With how hot and muggy it was, I knew I wouldn't PR which was fine with me. I got way BETTER than my goal the weekend before so I was ok with that. I'm glad that I ran the Courier Festival 5K though because I would have been mad had I banked on Beaumont being my race to PR in! The course was nice, and they had us run by the Oil Gusher (one of the reasons this race was called that). They had plenty of water stations but the water was HOT and ugh..yuck! By the 2.0 mile mark, the only WATER they had was POWERADE! They had RUN out of WATER in only an hour into the race! My heart went out to those poor marathoners! By the time they would have made it to that point, it would have been their 12 mile or 25 mile mark! NO WATER and in weather like that?!!? YIKES!!!!
I kept running and as I turned the corner, I saw the finish line. WHAT?! ALREADY??? I looked at my watch and it said 2.4 miles. I knew there was NO way that finish line was 0.7 miles away! No way! So sure enough, I crossed the line in a clock time of 26:something. Uh ok....guess what?! It was only a 2.7 mile course! Come to find out later, the cops (once again) told us the WRONG WAY TO GO! WHAT?!?? Wow... Oh well, guess what?! I "PR'D"!!!! Hahhaha My D-tag time said 25:35!!!! I can't believe it! I improved two whole minutes in just one week and all I did was run one day with my puppy and I played softball one day! Woohoo!
Ok kidding...all of that was sarcasm...lol I was slightly disappointed this race wasn't a full 5K but I'm glad I got a good workout!!

My brother waiting on us to come across the finish line!

Me crossing the finish line...

And here comes Kayla!
You know something else about this race? There was a lack of PORT-A-POTIES! HEllo people!!! So what was the first thing Kayla did after the race?!

She bee-lined it for the first portapottie she saw! This is her doing the POTTY DANCE! LOL

Kayla and I after the race

They had a Smoothie King booth out after the race giving away free samples! YUMMY!!!
Oh yeah, and do you like my rockin headband?! My SIL got it for me! Yay!

I think it took us a little while to realize what had just happened! So as we were on the way out, we did a happy dance cause we just "PR'D"! Hahhahaha

Of course, Jason had to join in the fun and he spit water at me. Thanks Jason!
So that's it for now! Until next weekend! Contraband Days 5 Mile race! Wooo!! WE have another softball game tonight, too. I hope I don't injure myself again! LOL
Wow what a crazy race!
ReplyDeleteaahh your race sounds SO frustrating! I'm so sorry!!
ReplyDeleteyall dont get dri fit shirts or race bags for 5k's? maybe its a regional thing, we always do! this past race I did was actually the first t-shirt I have gotten for a race in awhile lol. Now if only all the races would ahve women's and men's shirts since we are shaped differently!
the whole thing just sounds like a nightmare!! smoothie kingsamples are the best. they ahd them at the CCC last year, but my sister said they ddin't this year so i told her I was glad I didn't run HAHA.
My post is coming soon and it has a lot of the same comments about the race as this one! This race could be way way better if they improve on a lot of things. I will probably run it next year just to see the difference in what they do and how they organize it!